
The Rebalancer is a core component of the Protocol and is crucial in achieving the best possible yield for Fleets. It is responsible for rebalancing and reallocating assets from lower performing ARKs to higher ones.

Rebalancing is implemented by Keepers but is subject to strict constraints set within the FleetCommander and controlled via Governance. These constraints set the limits on what a Keeper can do. Concretely, this might be restrictions on how much value can be moved during each rebalance or how frequently funds can be moved. Third-party actors are expected to produce timely reports on the Protocol’s rebalance activities, using on-chain data. These reports will highlight any rebalance actions that may not align with the best interests of the Protocol, ensuring they are flagged and brought to the attention of governance.

Rebalancer mechanisms are intended, and expected, to be completely permissionless and open. However, at the Protocol's inception, rebalancing will be restricted to a whitelisted set of Keepers approved by Governance. Once Governance is satisfied that rebalancing can be made permissionless then the whitelist can be removed.

Last updated